And then there is Ava - and of course, Ned
I introduced Ava above with her unicorn and her image of Ned. Ava came to work with me several times, and she is amazing. The next few images illustrate her biggest masterpiece.
This image is by Sarah Phipps from The Oklahoman. For the story regarding this project by Brandy McDonnell go to this link: https://oklahoman.com/article/5646889/oklahoma-artist-ginna-dowling-brings-contemporary-hieroglyphics-project-to-the-childrens-hospital
This image is by Sarah Phipps from The Oklahoman. For the story regarding this project by Brandy McDonnell go to this link: https://oklahoman.com/article/5646889/oklahoma-artist-ginna-dowling-brings-contemporary-hieroglyphics-project-to-the-childrens-hospital